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      ONE OF THE BEST METHODS of advertising your web site, is Word of Mouth. Your site is more likely to be visited when recommended to someone by a friend.

       By using just one line of code, you can put a link or button on your site, allowing your visitors to recommend your site, or any page of your site, to a friend. You can put the same script on any, or every, page of your site. The name and URL of the page the button is on will automatically be known to the script, and this information will be used when your visitor recommends your site.

       There are three possible linking methods that you can use to customize the look and feel for your purposes.

       1.) Use one of our buttons.
       2.) Use your own button.
       3.) Use a text link.

NOTE: In order to use this script, you must be able to use Javascript code in your pages. At this point, MSN communities is the only one I know of that doesn't allow the use of Javascript.

       This is the easiest method, and the default way to put a referral button on your page. Just put the following code into the HTML source of your page, and we'll take care of the rest.

Copy this code:

       If properly installed, the above code will add a button like the following to your page, with a link to open a small window with the referral page. Try clicking on this button now, and see what happens. The name and URL of the page the button is on will show up in the referral window.

       You can easily use your own button in conjunction with the script. It's the same script, but compare the script below to the previous one. After the portion that says http://www.christiansunite.com/cgi-bin/refer.cgi?, comes the exact location of your button. This must be a valid button located somewhere on the internet. Just put the following code into the HTML source of your page, but change the portion after the Question Mark (?) to the location of the button you want to use.

Copy this code:

       If properly installed, the above code will add your button to your page, also with the proper link to the referral pop-up window. The following is just a sample button I used for this example.

       You may not have space, or for any reason may not want to use a button on your site, but rather just want a text link.

       No Problem! You can use any text you want as a link to the pop-up window rather than a button. Take a look at the code in the box below. After the Question Mark (?) you will see:


Please note two things:
       a.) The information after the Question Mark (?) must start with text:.
       b.) There must be no spaces in the text string, so replace all spaces with a Plus Sign(+). Tell A Friend must be changed to Tell+A+Friend

Copy this code and change the text to whatever you want:

       If properly installed, the above code will add a link like the following to your page, using your text, also with the proper link to the referral pop-up window.

       You can see this method of using a text link, on every page of this site. Near the bottom of each page you will see 'More From ChristiansUnite...' The text link reading 'Recommend This Page' is done using this method.

       That's all there is to it. You can put the code on every page of your site if you wish. It will work great every time, and always refer the proper page to the recipient.

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