CHOOSE FROM four different categories. With one line of code you can put a Daily Blessing on your web page.
Here are the available categories:
Today's Verse - A verse from the Word.
Today's Promise - Accept it as yours!
Today's Proverb - Daily wisdom for all.
Today's Psalm - Always a blessing.
Just copy the code from the box below, paste it into your web page and automatically get the Daily Blessing on your page.
Easy configuration
The above code will put the Today's Verse on your page exactly as shown in the table to the top right.
Change the category: You can easily change the code. See where it says type=Verse. You can change that to type=Psalm or type=Proverb or type=Promise,
depending on what you want.
Change the table: Where it says table=1, that means that the Blessing will appear inside a table as shown on this page. Set this to table=0 if you want to
put it inside your own table configuration.
Set your time zone: By default the time is set to GMT. Set your time zone by adding + or - e.g. for New York, change zone=0 to zone=-5. Don't forget
the plus or minus sign. If you are unsure of the offset from GMT for your time
zone, click here to see a world map that will help.
Table width: Where it says width=210, you can set set this to anything you want (minimum 100). However, if you have set table=0, then width has no effect.
Spanish Version: The only difference in the Spanish version is the addition of the parameter &language=spanish. All other configuration instructions are the same.